Atura by the numbers
Efficient, modern natural gas generating stations
2,744 MW
of generating capacity
Ontario owned
A modern, reliable fleet to meet Ontario's energy needs
Atura Power was registered in October 2019 as the brand name for Ontario Power Generation's wholly-owned subsidiary operating the largest, most efficient gas-fired fleet in Ontario.
It represents 10% of Ontario's total dispatchable fleet and is 100% contracted with Ontario's Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).
Natural gas is a fossil fuel with environmental impacts. Knowing this, Atura Power uses modern technology to burn it as efficiently as possible, emitting up to 60% less carbon and fewer air pollutants compared to other fossil fuels.
Natural gas, which plays an important role in maintaining system reliability, has become even more important with the addition of intermittent wind and solar generation. We see natural gas as an enabler of renewable energy, providing the flexibility required to ensure a reliable electricity system.