Atura Power’s natural gas-fired generating stations ensure that Ontario’s lights never go out. Natural gas was chosen for its flexibility, reliability and because of the important role it plays in supporting the transition to more sources of renewable energy.
As Ontario refurbishes its nuclear fleet and brings more renewable energy online, a bridge solution is needed to ensure that there’s enough electricity to meet moments of peak demand, like hot summer days when every air conditioner in the province is turned on.
Atura Power is investing in critical upgrades and efficiency improvements, guaranteeing that our fleet is as reliable and efficient as possible. This includes preparing our natural gas turbines to accept a blend of natural gas and low-carbon hydrogen produced at our Niagara Hydrogen Centre (linked) to lower a generating station’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Brighton Beach Generating Station
Brighton Beach Generating Station is capable of outputting 570 MW to Ontario’s electricity grid.

Halton Hills Generating Station
Halton Hills Generating Station is capable of outputting 683 MW to Ontario’s electricity grid.

Napanee Generating Station
Napanee Generating Station is capable of outputting 900 MW to Ontario’s electricity grid.

Portlands Energy Centre
The Portlands Energy Centre is capable of outputting 550 MW to Ontario’s electricity grid.