Corporate social responsibility

At Atura Power, corporate social responsibility touches everything we do. As a subsidiary of OPG, which is owned by the people of Ontario, we have a leadership role to play in building strong communities.

What corporate social responsibility means to Atura Power

With four stations and more projects planned around the province, Atura Power is a part of communities across southern and eastern Ontario.

Being a part of a community means doing business the right way as we help Ontario transition to a low-carbon future. It means being engaged in the well-being of our host communities by giving back and helping local causes. And it means remaining committed to the safety of our teammates and neighbours, and protecting the sustainability of surrounding environments.

Community citizenship program

Atura Power supports our local communities through our Community Citizenship program, which has included support for food banks, homeless shelters, hospitals, educational bursaries, environmental initiatives, and community events. In addition, each of our generating station teams support a host of local initiatives and causes, some of which are listed below.

Our Brighton Beach station supported St. Clair College, Farrow Riverside Miracle Park, Windsor Goodfellows, the Welcome Centre Shelter for Women & Families, and the Windsor/Essex County Food Bank with donations. The plant also donated fire extinguishers to the St. Clair College Firefighter Education and Training program for training purposes.

Atura Power's host agreement with the Town of Greater Napanee includes a Community Development Fund to support community projects. For more information, see the Napanee Community Development Fund.

The Napanee station supported the Lennox & Addington County General Hospital, Hospice Lennox and Addington, Napanee Crunch, Softball Napanee, United Empire Loyalist Heritage Centre and Park, Salvation Army Napanee Food Bank, Community Foundation of Lennox & Addington, Greater Napanee Sports Hall of Fame, Loyalist Parkway Association, and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 137. In addition, the plant donated scrap metal proceeds to the food bank.