Project overview
Atura Power, a subsidiary of Ontario Power Generation (OPG), is planning to expand the electricity generation capacity of its Napanee Generating Station (NGS). The proposed Napanee Generating Station Expansion is located north of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the Town of Greater Napanee, Ont., between the existing NGS and Lennox Generating Station. The expansion will add a hydrogen-ready simple cycle combustion turbine generator unit that will provide up to 430 megawatts (MW) of electricity output to Ontario's electricity grid. Atura Power is also planning to construct the Napanee Battery Energy Storage System. For more information about the Napanee Battery Energy Storage System visit
Project update: Atura Power submitted an application to the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) in December, 2023, as part of the Long-Term 1 Request for Proposals (LT1 RFP) procurement process. The IESO awarded the NGS Expansion an LT1 contract in May, 2024, and a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the project began.
Building capacity for Ontario's electricity grid
After more than a decade of strong supply, Ontario is entering a period of emerging electricity system needs, driven by increasing demand, the refurbishment of existing generating assets, as well as expiring contracts for other electricity-producing facilities.
To prepare for future electricity demands and support a reliable grid for Ontarians, the IESO initiated the LT1 RFP to secure new electricity resources that could be in service by 2028, including energy storage facilities. An application for the Napanee Generating Station Expansion was submitted to the IESO in December, 2023. The IESO awarded the NGS Expansion an LT1 contract on May 9, 2024.
The proposed Napanee Generating Station Expansion will increase Ontario's electricity generation, support grid reliability, and help advance Ontario's path to a net-zero future. Environmental permits and approvals, including an EA, will be required to construct this potential project.
Project details
The proposed project includes adding a hydrogen-ready simple cycle combustion turbine generator unit that will provide up to 430 MW of electricity output to Ontario’s electricity grid.
Proponent legal name: Portlands Energy Centre L.P. (doing business as Atura Power)
Location: Town of Greater Napanee, Ont.
Generating technology: Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine Generator
Nameplate capacity: Up to 430 MW
Environmental Assessment Process and Project Timeline
Atura Power started an Environmental Review Process for the Napanee Generating Station Expansion. Pursuant to Ontario Regulation 50/24: Part II.3 Projects, under the Environmental Assessment Act, Atura Power voluntarily elected to undergo a “Category B” Environmental Review as described in the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks “Guide to Environmental Assessment Requirements for Electricity Projects” (February 2024). An Environmental Review Report (ERR) will be made available for a 30-day public review period following the conclusion of the Environmental Review. The ERR will include a review of existing conditions, potential effects, mitigation measures and document engagement activities and input from Indigenous communities, the public and other stakeholders.
A Notice of Commencement of an Environmental Review and Invitation to a Public Meeting was issued on April 8, 2024, to communicate the start of the Environmental Review Process.

Atura Power started the Environmental Review prior to the IESO LT1 contract award to advance permitting to meet the IESO’s need for the project to be in service by 2028.
Atura Power will obtain the necessary permits and approvals prior to construction. Indigenous and stakeholder engagement activities remain a priority and will continue throughout the project.
We want to hear from you
Atura Power is committed to engaging Indigenous communities, municipalities, and the public as well as other potentially interested stakeholders throughout this project.
We invite you to attend an upcoming public community meeting to learn more about the Napanee Generating Station Expansion project and provide feedback:
Project name: | Napanee Generating Station Expansion |
Date: | May 16, 2024 |
Time: | 4 to 8 p.m. |
Location: | South Fredericksburgh Hall |
Access to information for everyone is important to us, so please let us know if you have accommodation needs related to the meeting materials through the Contact us form below. Meeting materials will be available on this webpage following the meeting.
LT1 Public & Indigenous community engagement
Atura Power invited Indigenous communities, municipalities, the public and other interested stakeholders to community meetings to learn about the project and LT1 process. The community meetings were held in-person on Oct. 18 and virtually on Nov. 23, 2023. The Napanee Generating Station Expansion Public & Indigenous Community Engagement Plan, which describes the engagement activities that Atura Power undertook during the LT1 RFP process in accordance with IESO requirements, formed the basis for these engagement activities. Copies of the Napanee Generating Station Expansion Public & Indigenous Community Engagement Plan, Community Meeting Invitations, Presentation Deck and Meeting Minutes are available under the project resources and materials below.
Contact us
Comments and information regarding this project are being collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of meeting environmental assessment requirements. With the exception of personal information, all comments received will become part of the project record.
Comments and information regarding this project are being collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments received will become part of the project record.